Serve Groups & Teams

Church Campus Serve Teams

Our church campus teams are made up of talented, eager and dedicated people who help keep our facility and services going. They not only volunteer on Sundays, but many serve throughout the week and at special church events. We are always looking for more folks to help out!

These SERVE teams include:

Our Prayer Partner Team has a heart for listening and bringing your prayers before God to give you His comfort and guidance.

Hospitality Team members enjoy meeting, greeting and assisting others who come to our services or events.

The Coffee Team keeps us going on Sundays with our favorite local coffees, and other hot drinks.

The Safety Team helps keep an eye on the grounds and in the buildings during our services and events. They like to meet people and providing for safety concerns.

Our Medical Team is is ready to respond for medical assistance at anytime during church services or events.

Serving in our Community

Our Mission Team helps our congregation serve using the gifts, time and talents that God has blessed us with.

For more information see our Local Missions page